Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Trouble shooting Concurrent Manager

Sucharitha Thokala

Troubleshooting Concurrent Manager (UNIX specific)


This template requires the essential matter for troubleshooting Unix Concurrent Manager Problems.



This reference is intended for use by one who is familiar with the concurrent manager process.

Trouble shooting UNIX concurrent manager


1. Have you tried shutting down, running the cmclean script and re-starting the Concurrent Managers?

[YES] Check logfiles

[NO] Try it, customer may have been logged in as the wrong user or incorrectly typed the startup command.

You can run the cmclean.sql script within Note 134007.1 to reset the concurrent

Manager tables whilst the Concurrent Managers are down.

2. Are there any FNDLIBR processes still running even after the attempted shutdown?

Use command PS -ef | grep FNDLIBR

[YES] UNIX: Use kill -9 to clean them up

[NO] Continue troubleshooting

3. Are there any errors in the logfiles?

Logfiles are in $FND_TOP/log or $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG if defined.

Logfiles are usually named STD.MGR or the CCM name(i.e. PRDMGR.MGR)

[YES] Make note of the errors and search Metalink for these errors.

If no resolution is found, open a SR and upload the logfiles.

[NO] Have ct restart the Concurrent Manager from the command line to have a new log file created.

Command to start the CCM:

startmgr sysmgr=apps_schema_owner/password logfile=std.mgr

* This should create logfile std.mgr

* If no logfile exists, check for UNIX permissions and space on filesystem.

4. How many rows are in FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST and


Check the FND tables using the sql statements below. When these tables reach above 3-4K rows performance begins to suffer when viewing report output and the Internal Concurrent Managers often does not start due to the lengthy search through

FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES table. You may want to run Purge Concurrent

Request and/or Manager Data on a regular basis.

Please run diagnostic script found under Note 200360.1 for common problematic issues.

Upload the output from the diagnostic script to the SR for Oracle Support review.

5. Are any processes pending in the Internal or Conflict resolution Manager?

Pending jobs in either the Internal or Conflict Resolution Manager may prevent the Concurrent Manager from starting. The best course of action before starting the Concurrent Managers is to cancel any "Deactivate" or "Verify" jobs pending in the Internal Manager and to place any other pending jobs on hold.

Additional Information:

1. Number of records in the following Tables:




Command: Logged in SQLPLUS as APPLSYS(or demo - APPDEMO)

select count(*) from FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS

2. Sometimes it is necessary to rebuild the Concurrent Manager views.

This is non-destructive.

Concurrent Manger views can be rebuilt by running the following

Command at the command line: FNDCPBWV is a immediate concurrent

program that is a part of FNDLIBR.

UNIX & Windows NT

FNDLIBR FND FNDCPBWV apps/apps SYSADMIN 'System Administrator'




Administrator" "SYSADMIN"



Note 213021.1 Concurrent Processing (CP) / Apps Reporting Scripts



Note 74717.1: Troubleshooting Concurrent Manager Startup problems

Note 97798.1 ORA-904 when starting concurrent managers

Note 230121.1 Routine AFPEIM encountered an error while starting Concurrent Manager on Cloned instance

Note 1059201.6 Status pending with 'Inactive No Manager' cor Concurrent Requests

Note 113135.1 Conflict Resolution Manager FNDCRM Does Not Start; No

Error Message.



Note 2069781.6 Basic Troubleshooting of the Concurrent Managers

Note 2120154.6 Unable to start the ccm after install - core dump

Note 171855.1 CCM.sql Diagnostic Script for Concurrent Manager

Note 185036.1 Unable to Startup or Shutdown the Concurrent Managers in 11.5.5 by Using the Syntax apps/<psswd> Start or Stop

Installation and Configuration using AutoConfig

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with 9i RAC: Installation and Configuration using AutoConfig

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with 9i RAC
Installation & Configuration Using AutoConfig
This document describe the steps required to install and setup an Oracle Applications Release 11i (11.5.10) environment with Oracle database 9i Release 2 ( Real Application Cluster (RAC).

This document is divided into the following sections:
Section 1: Overview
Section 2: Environment
Section 3: Pre-requisites For RAC conversion.
Section 4: Installation/Configuration
Section 5: References
For complete information on the above sections click on the link below:

How to Implement Printing for Oracle Applications:

Sucharitha Thokala.

How to Implement Printing for Oracle Applications: Getting Started

The information in this article applies to:

Oracle Application Object Library - Version: 11.5.1 to 11.5.10

This problem can occur on any platform.

Printing, PASTA, SRW, Driver


How to get started on installing a printer(s) for Oracle Applications? What are the general steps for installing a printer?



The Oracle Applications printer name must be the same printer name that works at the Operating System (OS) command line on the server where the concurrent processing server resides. If files in Postscript format will be generated and printed from Oracle Applications, make sure to setup a raw OS print queue so that Postscript files will be passed to the target printer without any filtering or actions by the OS print queue or print command.

Any printer that can be controlled with embedded printer commands, such as

PCL, or supports the Postscript language can be used with Oracle Applications, see Note 353071.1 "Where Can I Find A List Of Supported Printers For Oracle Applications?"


A printer type lists which styles and drivers are available to the assigned printer.

Group printers according to make or family model and utilize a unique printer type name. All printers are not the same or possess the same capabilities and functions. Using only one printer type such as the "HPLJ4SI" type, with one set of printer drivers, to support all make and model of printers may not allow for fine adjustments to one particular printer or a group of printers. That is to say, a change or fine adjustment intended for a specific printer may adversely affect all printers on the instance using the same printer type or driver.


A print style specifies the layout of the report’s output file. It is also matched with a driver that supports the same layout for printing.

In a full installation of Oracle Applications there are some 7,500 registered programs, of which 2,800 programs are defined as Oracle Reports. Approximately 70% of these Oracle Reports programs are designed as landscape reports--portrait and landwide are the next two widely used styles.

Therefore, setup the three most widely used styles (landscape, portrait, and landwide) for all printers and do not attempt to make corrections to the associated drivers on a "report by report" basis. Individual reports that do not work well with the three main print styles and printer drivers may need a special or custom style / driver to print correctly. Custom reports will typically require a custom print style or driver, see Note 357941.1 "Applications Product Support Guidelines Regarding Custom Reports and Programs"

Hint: For ease and convenience in release 11i, rather than creating new styles, use the existing styles “as is” or modify them as needed. The bulk of the printing instructions are contained in the printer driver and the SRW driver; therefore, the same print style can normally be re-used with several different printers and printer types.


A printer driver provides the needed commands to initialize a printer and to invoke an OS print command or a print program or routine.

Oracle Applications provides a simple beginning set of printer drivers. These generic or plain drivers are working examples intended for the printer make or model stated in driver name and description. They may or may not work optimally with other printers. Oracle does not provide additional deliverable examples; therefore, outside of this set, a custom printer driver needs to be defined.

An initialization and reset string is needed to define a printer driver in Oracle Applications. The initialization string, also known as a "setup string", is printer dependent information. It instructs the printer on which printing characteristics are needed for the document to be printed. The printer’s vendor typically supplies the initialization string or provides information on how to construct printer-controlling commands.

Typically a simple initialization string can be found in the printer's user guide or technical reference manual. The back of the manual should have a section on supported printer command languages and/or commonly used printer commands and control characters, see Note 152285.1 "Building a Printer Initialization String for Oracle"

The best setup method is to create an initialization string using the printer command language utilized by your printer. An alternate setup method is to test existing printer drivers for compatibility with your printer. Unfortunately, the latter choice is a "trial and error" approach that may or may not achieve the desired printing appearance. For precision printing, like checks or pre-printed forms, the initialization string will likely require fine tuning, see Note 106186.1 "How to Test an Initialization String Outside of Oracle Applications".


Existing printer types, styles, and drivers can be modified or a new record can be created. Adding a new record is the preferred approach. The printer type, styles, or drivers can have any name that best describe it usage. Additionally, it is more secured during upgrades than modifying seeded records; that is, Oracle seeded records can be overwritten by a patch or an upgrade process.

Concisely, the steps required to defined a printer for Oracle Applications are as follows:

1. Setup and verify the operation of the printer and print queue at the operating system level--test from the OS command line prompt.

2. Identify, select, or define a new Apps printer drivers that will support the specified printer make or model.

3. Identify, select, or define a new Apps printer type to register all needed printer styles and drivers.

4. Register an Apps printer name and associate an Apps printer type to the newly registered printer name.

For detailed setup instructions, please review the chapter titled "Printers" in the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide. Also see Note 123140.1 "How to Setup Printer for Oracle Applications 10.7 - 11.5.x" and Note 112172.1 "Oracle Applications Character Printing"

NOTE 1: Please keep in mind that Apps printer driver information is cached in memory, the concurrent manager will need to be bounced in order to make any recent changes take effect.

The following Notes may be helpful with common setup problems and oversights:

Note 262796.1 "Standard Reports Just Print the First Row or Double Space"

Note 359716.1 "Apps Reports Generate and/or Print With Incorrect Page Break Points"

Note 352384.1 "Reprint Does Not Correctly Print When The Original Request Is Formatted By Noprint"

Note 189708.1 "Oracle Reports 6i Setup Guide for Oracle Applications 11i"


Oracle Applications has a printing tool called PASTA that can help Administrator quickly configure a Postscript ready printer. Although Pasta is optional for most installations, it required for multilingual installations and installations using the Unicode / UFT8 character set, see Note 356501.1 "How to Setup Pasta Quickly and Effectively"

PASTA is the only viable solution when dealing with multiple languages and multiple printers in a UTF8 character set environment. Otherwise, an extensive amount of time will be spent identifying which fonts are supported by a particular symbol set and which symbol set matches up well with the Unicode super set. "Most printers can not handle UTF8 encoded data". As per the Printing chapter in the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide, "In order to print reports with the UFT8 character set, you 'must' configure PASTA".

Please reference the following notes for more information on PASTA:

Note 420019.1 - Pasta Overview

Note 356501.1 - How to Setup Pasta Quickly and Effectively

Note 239196.1 "PASTA 3.0 Release Information"

Note 240864.1 "Activating and Configuring IX Library"

Presently, the latest available PASTA patches:Patch 3325651 PASTA 3.0.4 RELEASE


Note 356501.1 - How to Setup Pasta Quickly and Effectively

Note 152285.1 - Building a Printer Initialization String for Oracle Applications

Note 106186.1 - How to Test an Initialization String Outside of Oracle Applications

Note 123140.1 - How to Setup Printer for Oracle Applications 10.7 - 11.5.x Quick Reference


Performance Tuning Overview in Oracle Apps 11i

This Performance Tuning is an Overview of from where to start if users start complaining that Oracle Applications is running slow.

If performance issue is with entire application questions you should have in mind :
Is your applications sized properly ?
Is initialization parameters set up correctly ?
Are there any runaway processes in oracle database tier or application tier ?
Is network connectivity between users & application server is fine , there is no delays ?
Latest techstack including jdbc drivers, forms, database, jdk can improve performance considerably Check if system level trace is enabled ?
Is Purge schedule ?
Is gather stats scheduled ?
If Issue is with only particular type of reports Check if there are no performance bugs with that module ?
Are you on latest patchset for that product ?
Is it standard report or custom ? (If custom enable trace & use tkprof, If standard then check in metalink if there is any issues reported by others)If Issue is only during particular time lets say during night Check what's running during that time .
Is it because of backups ?
Is it because all resource intensive requests running in night ?
If Issue is with specific users Check if trace is enabled at user level ?
Is user client machine performing well ?
Is connectivity from client machine to server fine ?

This is just overview or starting point to check Performance Issues in Oracle applications11i for Tuning Individual component like , Apache, JVM, Concurrent manager.

One of the common questions asked is how to schedule Gather Stats or How to schedule Purge ConcurrentProgram or Obsolete workflow data?

These are concurrent requests & if you have "System Administrator Responsibility" login with that ,then go to
Request -> View -> Select "Specific Request" and under "Name"

TextSearch for following requestsGather Schema Statistics ( supply parameter schema name , apps & others)Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data ( supply retention period usually 90 days)Purge Signon Audit dataPurge Obsolete Workflow Runtime DataPurge Obsolete Generic File Manager Data.

If you want to understand How to proceed with Oracle Applications 11i tuning check Metalink Note 69565.1 .

How to apply apps patch using adpatch

Now you know basics of apps patch like type of patches & options available with patching, lets learn how to apply patches in oracle applications 11i .

Two broad ways to apply patch interactive & noninteractive(You will supply required parameters on command line & patch will apply without asking you any questions as you have already provided answers)

You being new to apps patching will prefer to interactive way of patching , let adpatch throw series of questions & you answer each of these .If you want to use any option with adpatch enter adpatch with options= seprated by comma (If you don't supply any options it will take default value set for that particular option like compiledb & compilejsp)You have to issue adpatch from application user (User you entered as applications/middle tier user usually applmgr if you insatlled using oracle standard documentation like )
adpatch options=nocompiledb,nocompilejsp Based on you AD verison it will ask you questions like with some suggested value
'/u01/applmgr/VIS11I/appl'Is this the correct APPL_TOP [Yes] Log file name & location....
Once patch is applied you might be interested in checking log files

If patch fails then you have to use utility adctrl to check for which worker it failed & check corresponding worker log file to see error message.

For more information on patches & patch basics follow metalink note # 181665.1

Difference between Oracle Apps 11i and R12

Based on high influx of mail from users requesting difference between Oracle Applications Release 12 and 11i, I decided to dedicate this post to outline few major differences.

.Database: Database Version in 11i (11.5.9 & 11.5.10) was 9i Rel 2 where as in Release 12 its 10g R2 (
Application Tier: Tech Stack in Application Tier consist of iAS( & Developer 6i (Forms & Reports 8.0.6) but in Applications R12 it is build on Fusion Middleware (10g Web Server and 10g Forms & Reports)
Sub component in Application Tier:

A) HTTP Server or Web Server in R12 is Version 10.1.3 which is built on Apache version 1.3.34. In apps 11i it is Version built on Apache Version 1.3.19
B) Jserv in apps 11i is replaced by OC4J (mod_jserv is replaced by mod_oc4j)
C) Forms Version 6i in Apps 11i is replaced by Forms in R12
D) Reports Version 6i in Apps 11i is replaced by Reports in R12
E) JDBC version is changed from version 9 in apps 11i to version 10.2.0 in Apps R12
F) modplsql or mod_pls is removed from Apps R12 (What will happen to my mod plsql applications- coming soon* )
G) Java processes use JDK/JRE version 1.5.0 in R12 against JDK version 1.3.1 or 1.4.2 in Apps 11i
H) For various environment variable changes check below picture

I) New top INSTANCE_TOP added in Release 12 for configuration and log files

How many patches makes an upgrade?

By your definitions, I think you have to assume everything from a FamilyPack to Maintenance Pack or higher is an "upgrade" since it could potentially change functionality and requires full regression testing ofthe affected modules.

Rollup patches, one-off's etc would just be considered patching.

As for your other questions:
1) There is no set schedule for Family/Maintenance packs. At least there has not been in the past, with the only exception being HR/Payroll since it is required every year. I don't know what the plan is for R12.For 11i, I really wouldn't expect many more Family Packs, and there's definitely no more Maintenance Packs. is it.

2) In the case of Maintenance Packs, the entire thing has been extensively tested by Oracle as one unit. With random Family Packs, if you put two of them on your system, there's no guarantee that they have been extensively tested together. Individually they would have been through that testing.